Sunday, December 14, 2008


I choose these words because they are the best the describe me. And some of them are just what I like. The Big letter words are my favorite because I think they are the most important. I like chocolate because it tastes really good! I like music because most songs sound good and they give me something to do while I work or do homework or play games with it. I am Enthusiastic because I ask many questions and I want to learn about what we are learning in that class. I am Responsible because if I wasn't then I'd get into a lot of trouble and I would loose many items. I put Effort into a lot of my humanities homework and I try to put it into my other classes but they are pretty hard.

The Medium sized ones are the ones that are o.k. and I either kind of like them or am them and they are quite important. Short Distance is means I'm a short Distance runner because to me its easier and I am pretty fast at short distance running. I am an actor because I like to act and I am pretty good at it.I like computer because when I get bored and I have nothing to do I play my computer and I chat with my friends and I play computer games. I am funny at times with my friends or in classes and I make up jokes or I make faces.I have 5 dogs at home and they mean a lot to me, one of my dogs has a broken foot but I think it was healed once we got it fixed but my other dog took it out again. Green is my favorite color and guess what, all my tooth brushes are green!

The small words are the ones that I do but I don't really do them or I have them and there just things that are there to show. Thinks is just that I think a lot when I do my homework and for school sometimes. Talks is another thing, I like to talk to people at times when I get bored, I talk about funny times and normal times with my friends because it makes them laugh. I am creative at times aswel when I think I add in creativity to work I do in school and home. Freedom is another thing, I am free at school, 10 mins between each class, and 50 mins of lunch. And lastly I'm in grade 6 thats why its there!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Aidan's Dance!!!!

hehe hehe hehe hehe hehe!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Hey guys!!!! We really have to save the animals! We can do that by bringing in the animals who are in need, and people might adopt them from carnicals or animal adoption places in shopping malls. We can also bring in toys, food, litter boxes, etc. for the animals so at least they would get fed alot, hey i got 5 dogs, yes it is hard to take care of them. The animals really need YOU! so please please make sure you save at least one animal by at least taking in one item, you dont have to if you dont want to but if you do, some will die, you cant save all of them! I'm sorry to say but its life and somtimes there time comes... its very sad but its what happens. At least you would have saved one or two. But the goverment should really make the prices higher for animal violence. And if you see an animal getting hit or hurt or anything that someone or somthing is doing to it and REPORT IT QUICKLY TO THE SPCA!!!! SAVE THE ANIMALS! STOP THE ANIMAL VIOLENCE ITS NOT NICE JUST CRUEL!!  

Friday, November 7, 2008

yes we can!

A few days ago the first colored American was voted for president. And so our teacher showed us a video clip of a song called yes we can! The name of the president is Barack Obama. His two quotes that i heard were " Impossible is nothing!" and "Yes we can!". The qualities of being a good leader is NEVER give up! Always follow your dream like Martin Luther King Jr. did! A leader would be someone who has courage, never gives up, is always there for someone if they need it, a leader is also someone who gives a helping hand out, and is caring. Barrack Obama is all of those things! So the next president after Barrack Obama, would need all those qualities! So can we vote for a good president with good qualities? YES WE CAN!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

about courage

I think courage is something that your afraid of but you keep trying and trying until your not afraid for example i used to be afraid of the dark until I was at least 4. I also think courage means you help people out, or you are trying to do a good thing for the world like try to make a difference in the world. I also think courage is trying a thing you've never done, for example like me I've never skied and I really want to but it seems scary from a top of a mountain. Or stepping out of your comfort zone is courage. These are my ideas of courage.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

AbOuT mE

Hey my name is Edward but everyone calls me Teddy. I have many hobbies. Sports, playing computer, loitering, talking to friends, listening to music and many more. I'm going to make this about music. All I think about is music! when ever I get the chance I turn on my music, but I never get to turn it up really loud, nor am I aloud to have a Ipod because my Mum says it can spoil your ear drum. So you can see I really like music but only if I had more time to listen to it :( MUSIC ROCKS MY WORLD!!!!!!! XD